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江苏省涉外结婚登记告知单(Notice of Marriage Registration)

发布日期:2014年08月18日09:18 浏览次数: 文章字号:转发微博:分享到新浪微博 分享到腾讯微博 分享到QQ


    Parties applying for marriage registration:


    In order for the happiness of your marriage, please read the following information carefully before applying for marriage registration:


    1. The marriage policy of China


    China carries out a marriage policy of free marriage, one husband to one wife, and equality between the couple.


    2. Requirements for marriage registration


    (1) The registered permanent residence of one party should be in Jiangsu Province; (2) The male is no less than 22 years old and the female is no less than 20 years old; (3) Both parties have complete capacity of civil disposition (without any intellective obstacles or mental disability); (4) Neither party has a spouse; (5) Both parties are willing to be married to each other, and go through the registration formalities personally. Impostors and one party on behalf of the both are not allowed.


    3. Cases of forbidding marriage


    (1) Bigamy; (2) The parties concerned are lineal relatives by blood or collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship; (3) Either or both parties suffer from any disease which is regarded by medical science as rending a person unfit for marriage; (4) Either or both parties fail to reach the statutory age for getting married.


    4. Certificates and certifying materials to be provided


    (1) Household registration book and personal ID card of the parties; (2) The Declarations of Applying for Marriage Registration signed by both parties at the marriage registration bureau; (3) Three half-body, big 2-inch and no-hat group photos of the same film, taken recently.


    A Hong Kong resident, Macao resident or Taiwan resident shall present the following certificates and certifying materials for undergoing the formalities of marriage contract registration: (1) his or her valid pass and identity card; (2) a statement notarized by the notary agency of the place of his or her residence confirming that he or she has no spouse and that he or she and the other party to the marriage are not lineal relatives by blood or collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship.


    An overseas Chinese shall present the following certificates and certifying materials for undergoing the formalities of marriage contract registration: (1) his or her valid passport; (2) a certification produced by the notary agency or any other competent authority of his or her residential country and authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of the People’s Republic of China in that country confirming that he or she has no spouse and that he or she and the other party to the marriage are not lineal relatives by blood or collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship, or a certification produced by the embassy (consulate) of the People’s Republic of China in that country certifying that he or she has no spouse, and that he or she and the other party to the marriage are not lineal relatives by blood or collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship.


    A foreigner shall present the following certificates and certifying materials for undergoing the formalities of marriage contract registration: (1) his or her valid passport or any other valid international travel certificate; (2) a certification produced by the notary agency or any other competent authority of the country to which he or she belongs and authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of the People’s Republic of China in that country or by the embassy (consulate) of that country in China certifying that he or she has no spouse, or a certification produced by the embassy (consulate) of that country in China certifying that he or she has no spouse.


    5. Rights and obligations of a couple


    Marriage relationship will be established once the marriage certificate is issued. The husband and the wife are equal in the family. Both parties are entitled to use their own names, and have the freedom of taking part in production, work, study and social activities, which should not be restricted or interfered with by the other party. They have equal rights of disposing shared property, and are entitled to inherit property from each other.


    The couple should be loyal to each other and respect each other. Both parties should assume the obligations for family planning and maintenance of one another.


    6. Special reminding


    (1) Marriage is a big event in the life of a person. Both the male and the female should be responsible for himself/herself, for each other and for the family. After marriage registration, the parties shall be entitled to know about the health conditions of each other before marriage. The government supports and encourages both the male and the female to have health check before marriage, so as to ensure the happiness of the family and maintain public benefits. In order for the health of yourselves, your family and your generations, it is suggested that you have health care services from qualified medical institutions.


    (2) In case the parties have any cases for which marriage registration should be objected, or are not up to the requirements for processing marriage registration, but finally obtain a marriage certificate through concealing facts, providing false certificates, making wrong statements, using an impostor or handling marriage registration by one party on behalf of the both, serious legal results will be incurred, and the parties shall bear related legal liabilities.


    (3) In case of marriage under intimidation, the intimidated party shall be entitled to apply to the marriage registration bureau or the court for cancelling the marriage; and such application should be submitted within one year after the registration day of the marriage. In case the party whose personal liberty has been restricted applies for cancelling the marriage, the application should be submitted within one year after the day of recovering personal liberty.


    Invalid and cancelled marriage shall not have any effect from the beginning. The parties shall not have any rights or obligations of a couple. The parties shall negotiate to dispose the property accrued during cohabitation; and in case negotiation fails, the court shall make verdicts on the principle of protecting the innocent party. As for the property disposition due to invalid marriage caused by bigamy, the property benefits of the innocent party cannot be harmed.


    Those who have committed bigamy shall bear criminal liabilities. In case an invalid marriage is caused by bigamy, the innocent party shall be entitled to claim damages.


    (4) In case the parties believe that they have met the requirements for marriage registration, but their applications are not approved by marriage registration authorities, they may apply for review to the people’s government at the same level of such registration departments in 60 days. They may also apply for review to the supervising departments, or initiate an administrative litigation in the court within 3 months.


    Signatures of the parties after reading:


    男                                                                    日期:

    Male:                                                                 Date:




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